The Pitt is possibly Bethesda's finest work to date, but its also one of the shortest.
Where Operation Anchorage was a blatant action expansion, quite buggy, and it honestly didn't feel like Fallout, The Pitt remedies this. Once again, players will undertake slow burning quests that start off fairly simple, but eventually veer off into the morally gray territory that players know and love. What makes The Pitt so much better than everything else that Fallout 3 has to offer, is just how brutal and thick the atmosphere is
The setup is a slave has escaped from Pittsburgh and has setup a distress call over the radio. When you respond to it, you find out that there is a disease that is spreading throughout The Pitt and mutating many of the inhabitants into blood thirsty mutants. If thats not enough, a tyrant has risen to power and has a legion of raiders to force slave labor. Supposedly, this tyrant is holding a cure that can set the people free of mutations and possibly cure any radiation related issues. Your mission is to infiltrate the Pitt as a slave and try and find out as much as you can about the Tyrant and this cure.
So in you go, and right out of the gates the content looks simply stunning. Detail is bursting at the seems. Bodies are littered everywhere, including hanging and pinned to walls and ceilings. Slaves are hard a way at work while raiders are constantly on the lookout for any slaves that are slouching off. Everyone is truly nasty and unpleasant. The disease that is spreading is apparent on everyone, from the slaves all the way to the raiders that are watching the slaves. This is one disgusting, brutal, and absolutely gorgeous world.
The story, voice acting, ambiance and graphics are all top notch. Its easily some of the best work to come from Bethesda's realm yet. At this point, I only encountered one very minor bug where a character got stuck in a repeating dialogue loop for a few seconds, and thats about it. With all the patches, it would appear Bethesda has all but fixed the issues that apparently plagued the Pitt when it first came out.
All in all, if your craving more of what made Fallout 3 so good in the first place, then this is for you. Sure its short, but this is the perfect case of quality over quantity. A good example would be Bethesda's own Point Lookout expansion. While it was great, the side quests didn't feel up to the same level of quality that the main string of quests did. On top of that, they give you a fairly large swamp to explore, but for the most part it wasn't very detailed or varying. On the flip side, the Pitt is quite linear, and it doesn't have a massive chunk of land to explore. But what is there, is incredibly detailed and and absolute joy to rip through. Highly recommended.