This game is so huge,and has plenty of things to do,so many people you can interact with and they gave you quests to do,the side quests are amazing.the story is more amazing.
I see why many people dont like this game,saying its like sims,but its not ,its only in the beginning of the game,that you have to build ,but later on its only up to you,if you want to expand,and have more people aside you. which make this game feel so alive.
I also see why people say quests are the same, kill raider there and there,but its not,again its only in the beggining of the game,i have to say that you gave up on the game so soon,later on the quests are so variety.
the textures are good,there are places where they look so great,but again not in the start of the game,later on,when you progress ,when you understand how this game works,you start enjoying it so much that there are almost no moments that are boring.
I only didn't like the aiming and how to approach enemies ,if you aim,you lost half of the screen,and its hard to see all the enemies,and that there are no option to crouch and hide behind walls to dodge bullets.