Don't get me wrong. The game is great. All from the story, to the graphics. Kinda. One of the first things i noticed about fallout 4, was that the game is based off of the Elder Scrolls IV: Skyrim engine. There's nothing wrong with it, but because of that, the graphics lacked a little.
I've played the games for 24 hours now, and i'm really impressed by what i've seen so far. After i bought the game, I played it for aprox. 3 hours. For 2 of those hours, i thought i was doing the main quest, but no. I was doing side-quests. What i'm trying to say is, I think the game would be able to get the 8 from me, if there was a way to see "Main Quest" and "Side Quest" next to the quest.
The companion side of the game was really great. In dire times, Dogmeat could block you and get you killed, but just look at him! How can anyone be angry at him? But i must say, it was annoying at stages, but Dogmeat was a bigger help, than an annoying companion.
The only thing that really annoyed me was the missing logic. What did generaters use to generate electricity? And if it made it out of thin air, why couldn't the institute just use them? I don't remember putting gas or any other material in them, do you?
Other than that, there wasn't really anything that bothered me, but i still don't think the games deserve more than 7-stars. Yeah, the game was good and all, and there were always something to do, but the face-animations. They are bad at the moment. Sometimes they make a "rape-face", as someone calls them, other times they look like they're about to go on a killing spree, and you're going to be the first.
1. Compaion cute, but annoying at times
2. Some logic were missing
3. Skyrim engine made game look worse than what it really is
4. Bad animations
5. No clue wether you doing a side-quest, or the main-quest
Thanks for reading
- Mike