Really just reminds you why the Diablo series is the king of dungeon crawlers, and tarnishes the fallout name to boot.
Yeah,did not turn out that way. Interplay just took the already dumbed down mechanics from BG:DA and slopped on new skins,probably damaging more mechanics in the engine than they fixed. Never having played Fallout 1 or 2,I will refrain from comparing how bad it ruins that atmosphere and idea,and just state for the record that it is probably best this franchise was sold when it was,if this is the best they could do with it.
Story is pretty much non-exsistent and what is there is cliched and attempts the old "if we add swears its mature" copout. Seriously,the only proper use of the word mature for this game is as a nice way of saying how dated the graphics look and the gameplay feels. It looks like an early lifecycle PS2 game. And thats being nice.
As for the actual gameplay,there is just the standard dungeon crawling,with the addition of guns,but nothing that makes it feel fresh or anything more than pressing the same button repeatedly for the entire game. The enviroments are drab,repetitive and easy to get confused and lose your way in,which is horrible considering how linear the level design is.
The RPG elements feel tacked on and except for the health and damage multipliers,you might as well just play roulette to choose what to level up,since i saw no real discernible difference no matter where I put my points.
So while this is not the worst game in the world,there is no feature or gameplay element that would recommend it beyond the multiple games in the genre that already did it better. And they ruin the one thing that could have made this game unique and worth playing even with the bad design decisions,which is the fallout brand name.
To sum up,I wasted about ten and a half to eleven hours of my life that I will never get back to bring you one important message which is avoid this game.the only way this is even worth trying is if you REALLY want to play a dungeon crawler and this is your only option. And then I would still think twice.
I would not recommend buying,or renting,or playing. Especially if you plan on playing a real fallout title and this would be the first one,it might prejudice you to some games that are actually good. That's my two cents,