As great as it's predecessor. Fluid gameplay mechanics, engaging storyline and refreshingly innovative.

User Rating: 9 | Fallout: New Vegas PC
Alone, a Courier roams the derelict area of a fallen city New Vegas. The area of New Vegas is filled with despair of the the world that has lost all hope on the evolution of humanity.

If you're familiar with the previous installment in the series, (Fallout 3) you will find that they share many similarities. Some of the changes include a change in the gaming mechanics, you are now able to aim down sight, rather than zooming in. An increase of quests, a change in some of the 'Skills'- for example big guns and small guns are merged into one, a survival skill is also added.

The Karma system has been altered as well. Instead of being entirely good or entirely bad your reputation differs in every location. Your reputation with the NCR can be classed as a 'Sneering Punk' whereas your reputation in the Legion can be 'Idolized.

Again, the dialogue is unique and well-written. With almost every line of dialogue, comes another choice, another decision. Every decision branches multiple actions that contribute to the quest or even the main story-line. This adds a unique RPG element to the game giving the player a feel of individuality.

The visuals in the game are identical to Fallout 3, textures, designs and buildings. Up close, the textures are grainy and pixelated- though I didn't find this off-putting.

The majority of the side quests involve "killing him" or "finding that." Despite this, the game will not bore you, you will constantly discover new towns and cities which introduce more characters who each have a unique personality making the AI fell human-like.

" So much remains of what made Fallout 3 special, from the ridiculous cast to the joy of exploration, that there will be many willing to overlook all the bugs and glitches in favor of the weight of content that lies beneath."