In some ways good In other ways very bad
In this game you play as a courier who was tasked to deliver a platinum chip, but when some man shoots you and leaves you for dead, you soon recover wanting revenge. This tale leads you all over the Mojave wasteland in New Vegas. There are 4 different endings and all in all the story is solid, but nothing amazing.
The map on NV is no way near that of F3's. There are less locations, also way less important locations. Most of the places you find in the Mojave are pointless and all you'll find their are a few bottle caps and pistol ammo. Having said that the map is still pretty big, but just not AS big as F3, probably about half the size.
The combat in this game has been mildly improved given the ability to use iron sights, but i never found myself using them as V.A.T.S are way more fun to use. For those of you who don't know V.A.T.S is where in combat you pause time and can select parts of the body you wan't to shoot/hit.
The whole leveling system is the same. You level up from killing people/things and completing challenges and quests. You gain 15 points every time you level up to assign to different attributes like lockpick, speech, banter etc. All these attributes will help you in different ways throughout the game. Also you gain one perk of your choice every time you level up.
The perks and attributes are practically all the same as F3. A few knew ones though.
The game can be really glitchy and jerky sometimes, there are some holes in the questline and my save has corrupted 3 times in 60hrs of gameplay! It is strangely familiar to F3 but that doesn't mean you shouldn't buy it. Just don't expect too much.
Fallout New Vegas: 7.5/10
FNV is really just like a BIG dlc for F3, just a vegas style