Summary of the game: good, good, bug, bug, good, bug, good, bug bug, good good, bug, good.
I found my self not really caring about the main character (the Courier). Didn't care about the main questline story at all. I thoroughly loved the one in Fallout 3, but this was just lacking. I can't quite put my finger on it...
I played through initially, and restarted to do the hardcore mode. This bugged on me, and i couldn't level up at all! Had to restart the game on hardcore mode, following a tip i read in the gamespot forum.
I have to say i loved the hardcore mode. It really helped suck you into the survival aspect of the game. This is probably it's best feature and something i hope they include in the next fallout game.
I'm just glad i bought it for 20 bucks preowned. If i'd payed full price for this game, i wouldn't be as happy with it.