Fallout: New Vegas is not an expansion. If you're complaining about bugs then you obviously haven't played Fallout 3...
Fallout: New Vegas is not an expansion. And If you're complaining about bugs then you obviously haven't played Fallout 3. I'd even go far enough to say that I enjoy New Vegas more than I do and/or did with Fallout 3 (minus addons).
The quests are a lot more interesting than shooting someone in the head and trying to purify water but the game certainly does have its shortcomings. And it's not the bugs. The complication of adding Reloading Benches, and campfires, and the modification of the Work Bench may appeal to some, but not to all. Fortunately so far it seems as if you don't necessarily need to use them. Another minor gripe is the new running jump animation. I'm sorry but... it just looks gay. But i've gotten somewhat used to it and it's not that big of a deal. The people are a bit more varied, Reputation, Factions, Disguises are VERY nice additions to the overall experience.
-The Story
The plot is actually something you may want to do rather then finish everything then maybe go back and do it. Clichéd to some I think the left for dead is better than the Hunt for Fresh Water.
-The Difficulty
Casual "Just Play Through the Game" People will feel at home on the Easy and Very Easy Modes, while "Regular" Gamers will enjoy the normal or possibly hard modes (depending where you're at). The Harcore gamers will of course enjoy the Hard and HARDCORE Modes. The Latter being very very difficult by making you stay hydrated and fed throughout the course of the game. Stimpaks also don't work instantly and instead happen over time and broken limbs will need to be treated by a Doctor.
-The Verdict
If you're expecting a gameplay overhaul get out. If you're a little more realistic then this is the game for you!