Great game, but not as iconic as Fallout 3

User Rating: 9.5 | Fallout: New Vegas X360
Gameplay- The gameplay is very similiar to Fallout 3 as in there is VATS, and the same types of weapons, they added iron sights on weapons which is a great addition to the game. The quests are fun, but it can get a bit annoying jumping from place to place. I only wish that the map and cities were as great as Fallout 3. There aren't really any significant landmarks in New Vegas which doesn't make it too memorable. In Fallout 3 you open the door and you see Megaton, D.C. It was amazing but here you open the door and its a ugly little town.

Graphics- Graphics are exactly the same as Fallout 3 which I was kinda hoping that they would make some progress in 2 years. I'm not say that the graphics are bad, I'm just saying they should've improved a little. The glitches can sometimes make they textures look bad, or disapear.

Sound- The sound is great, the voice acting is great. They got good voice actors to be in this game and I've never had a persons voice mismatch with their mouth movements. The guns also sound great, they sound pretty much like you would want one to sound. The music is alright for the first couple of hours but then you just grow to hate it.

Conclusion- In total the game is great but the landscape and characters aren't exactly as memorable as Fallout 3 characters.