New Vegas makes you gamble your money away for a game that is just good

User Rating: 9 | Fallout: New Vegas X360
Fallout 3 changed the world of gaming. Setting in the D.C. area of devastation, it proved to be a place of great moments. Now we must travel to the hot deserts of New Vegas we we explore the new area of Fallout New Vegas.

New Vegas is best explained as Fallout 3 in the desert. In this area, it was never hit with any bombs like FO3 did so it's more intact but still has it's set of problems that you must solve.

It took me a long time to even set foot inside of the actually New Vegas because I was busy with other tasks at hand. Exploring the desert to me is a bit fun and it makes it look like your really in the desert.

I can't really go into any details story wise but let's say that your just the person to piss someone off and ends up far away from the lights of New Vegas and now you must fight your way to finding out what the hell is going on.

Much hasn't changed in New Vegas from FO3 but there are a few things that have changed. You can now straight aim down your gun like you normally do, your companions you recruit can now be commanded to actually do something useful and with Hardcore mode intact, it's going to take realism to a whole new level. Now you must fight for your food, drink water, sleep and heal normally and that will prove a challenge to most gamers.

The one big problem that everyone is having is all the bugs the game has. I had my fair share of these problems but me being a 360 owner, I installed my game into my hard drive and the bugs decreased by a lot so I can give it a better rating then most.

New Vegas takes you down memory lane with similar ties with FO3 but I say you should gamble your money on this great addition to the Fallout series.