Traversing the Mojave has never been better.
Most people seem to favor Fallout 3 over New Vegas, and I can understand why, but I think New Vegas got pretty much everything right. I love the new faction system and it's great to side with different factions each time you play. Some people complain that the New Vegas area seems much more desolate and empty than the Capital Wasteland of Fallout 3, but guess what, it's a desert. Also, because there are many more side quests in New Vegas than Fallout 3, I felt like the world was more fully developed and that there was always something new to find.
The graphics are no improvement over Fallout 3, and some textures are reused, but the environments are well designed. The sounds of the game help immerse you in the world. The plethora of weapons and quests available keeps things interesting, and the dialogue and is well written.
As I said, I love this game. If you want a more detailed overview of the game check out some other reviews, but I haven't enjoyed myself and been immersed into a game world like this in a quite a while. If you like Fallout 3, action RPGs, well written characters, and immersing yourself in a game world, check this game out. I don't think you'll be disappointed. Cobalt says: 9 / 10.