With such a deep set and well developed back story for the events surrounding this DLC you can help but be dissapointed.
I'm a massive fan of Fallout and New Vegas and have an over 200 hour record playing on it to show for it. I realise that the game is full of faults, but fortunately for me even with such a large amount of playtime Ive only found very small bugs and issues. So my whole New Vegas experience has been quite good.
I've grown attached to my companions and developed my own take on the NV world through my greedy but always even headed actions in it.
So the appearance of new DLC is a mixed blessing, I'll be able to build apon my world, but also have to leave it and the characters in it behind for a while.
Fallout 3 Had a mixed bag of DLC, but the quality and experience in each was always very good. If not great.
Hopes are high for the New Vegas DLC. The first pack ( dead money ) was received with mixed feelings from most. Some sighted it as unoriginal and even frustrating and hard. The difficulty was steep and the mechanics for the its events were annoying much of the time. But there were highlights still there. Although the design of its enemies were not as original as one would hope, the distinct style made them a fresh break from deathclaws and giant scorpions. Also the Dead money brought with it a reminder of silent hill style vibes. This made the first DLC at least interesting and worth a look.
With Honest Hearts we are presented with a much more interesting prospect, characters much talked about during the events of fallout New Vegas finally make their appearance and theres a chance to fill blanks and created a totally original experience. This is lost in a sea of rushed design and uninspired dialogue.
Honest Hearts sees you on an expedition to Zion national park, crossing the path of one Joshua Graham , known on wispers as "the burned man".
The DLC has a story very much rooted in religion and spirituality. Joshua Graham representing one of the last members of a now fallen religious group, and also a former member of the legion and now spiritual leader to his own tribe.
This character has and had the potential to be deep and involving, there is a lost chance to develop the world of new Vegas here. The burned man surving as not only a quite empty shell of a man, but as little more then one of the most basic quest givers.
The truly interesting characters in the story are the companions you meet and work with during its events. Both actually being quite well fleshed out with some good if short story arcs.
The DLC is much simpler then the first pack, easily completed in less then 4 or 5 hours if played through quickly, this is due in part to an overly easy difficulty level. Also the new location of Zion is nothing more than a greener take on the more mountainous sections of the main game.
Ultimately the dlc is simple filler, quick and easy fun with little depth and very little to show for your choices during the story. wait until its part of a game of the year package or buy when its at a reduced price.