Fallout New Vegas comes out with its best add-on yet!
While being the best add-on Fallout New Vegas has made yet, it has a pretty interesting story line. It was not like Honest Hearts where nobody really cared about the story line. It kept you interested until the end. Fallout finally brings back humor with a series of penis jokes and sexual humor throughout. Other then extensive dialog new weapons such as the LAER will make great additions to anyone's collection. While IGN hinted that Christine Royce (Fallout Dead Money Character) would make an appearance, she is only in the game through a recording. Though there are only few new enemys it is still fun to battle yourself through the Big Empty.
The Sink is your own upgradable home that you will find all sorts of interesting machines. They have personalities that must be found in order to activate them. They can do all sorts of things to help you such as heal you and give you ammo. Apart from the main story line you can find all the upgrades to the machines as part of a side quest. Just make sure you bring alot of simpacks, because you will run out!
Good story line
Awesome Weapons
Character development is good
Get to bring your weapons
Not many enemys
Bring lots of simpacks!