A solid game in the Fallout universe that should be looked at as a parallel not a sequel.
This looks nicer and smother than what its predecessors did. Still in 2D it came out shortly before 3D was the norm, but makes beautiful use of the 2D images giving a good 3D "feel" to it.
There isn't much for what you need to know about how to control the people of your squad, simple keyboard mapping makes it simple but it doesn't flow with the game very well. Since it is in real time (can be turn but not general played in turn based mode) it can be very difficult to have a member of your squad go prone, move, switch weapons, or perform an action once the combat has begun.
Simple, striaghtforward, and fun. You get a mission and perform tactical maneuvers to meet your goals. It is very linear because you have very little choice of the order you do the missions in, but you can get different debriefings after each mission depending on how well you completed each task. The Fallout universe is still put together very effectively only instead from a wanderers perspective it is from a BoS initiate.
Very nice sounds in the game, not much different from its predecessors. You have no talking heads which is disappointing since it is always a very pleasant sight in the first 2 games, but you do have your commander talking to you before and after each mission which is nice but his voice tends to get a bit annoying.
Nothing to interesting here. The story it had was mostly about just expanding the reach of the BoS to all across the wastelands and trying to get more recruits. So the story it did have fit into the gameplay but was still nothing to interesting, the core of the game is in the gameplay, not the story.
If you know somebody and you are wanting to play eachother and have some fun then it is nice, but as for the deathmatch part with someone that you don't know, it is not very fun.
FINAL: 7.92