One of the best RPG.
Making a character is fun cause you have to plan out his/her development by picking what weapon types and skills to specialize in. And the stats make you think hard too cause they are all important and max/min just doesn't cut it well. You could be a deadly sharpshooter but be loathsome and miss out on the good recruits who can join you. And being the perfect sniper doesn't help when you need some heavy firepower to put down a robot or mutant. As well you need skills to support your operations but recruits can help you out with technical stuff.
The story is well drafted like all Fallout games, and has the legendary drill sergeant Lee Ermey from Full Metal Jacket as the general of the Brotherhood of Steel making the briefings and cutscenes just as cool as the combat.
The tactics in the game are fun. You can sneak up and backstab or head in guns blazing letting all hell loose. I personally love sneaking up and pointing a double barrel shotgun at a loitering badguy's back and the resulting blast lifts him off the ground shredding him like a splattered tomato while he screams. There is plenty of cover and approaches among the heartwarming Fallout environment of corrugated metal, collapsing walls, filth, and general decay everywhere. Bleak yet wonderful. The whole thing reminds me of the movie Cyborg with Van Damme.
I could write a whole essay on how good this game is but I will just recommend you get the game and experience the buzz for yourself. Once you open up on an attacking group of raiders with an automatic shotgun and see them splatter and scream from the criticals, you'll not want to play anything else until the adventure is complete.