Fallout: The Smart Bully's Friend
The best way to judge a computer roleplaying game is to consider what the gameplay was like without random encounters and any battle that seemed to just fill up time without being very interesting. As such, Fallout has really good moments. However, it also has really bad moments too. If you are patient, you might enjoy portions of this game, or you might enjoy it on its own merits as a traditional "kill the enemy and grab the loot" game that has a fairly wide story. (Almost as if the designers were cribbing from quite a few existent and little known science fiction stories, movie shorts, and non-computerised roleplaying games.)
Fallout was packed with random encounters and needless battles, but was fun enough to buy, especially to buy at a discount in a bargain bin. A tthe very least, you could pick apart the graphics and put together your own computer game... or somehow locate the adventure construction set that was used to create this.