One of the most innovational and original RPG's of all time, this game should be handed out at birth

User Rating: 9.8 | Fallout PC
One of the most innovational and original RPG's of all time, this game should be handed out at birth along with it's succeeder, Fallout 2. Playing games like these makes us wish Interplay was still around producing innovational, top quality adventure/RPG games for the gaming market. Will Fallout 3 top the originals? Only time will tell.

Everything about this game will leave you rolling for more. The most "free", "do what you want" RPG you will likely ever play. There is no order to beat the game, and there is no exact way to complete a mission. Think how much fun you could possibly have?

Best part about it, this game can be purchased for $10, along with it's sequel.