War, War Never Changes

User Rating: 9.3 | Fallout PC
Fallout is my favorite rpg to date. Why? I played this and its sequel many a time and can tell you this. If you love rpgs, buy this now and the sequel. The premise borrows from movies such as Mad Max and various sci-fi stories. Basically a massive nuclear war erupted in the near future over resources. Bombs fall, people die, and people that don't die take shelter. Years after the bombs, your shelter(vault as it's called) has a problem. Its water chip died. So you must go out into the bombed out world to find one of those.
And you have 130 days to do it.
The gameplay is turn based combat, based on a system of action points. These points depend on your agility(more on that later). So you and the enemy take turns shooting/meleeing each other until death. The combat can be sastifying when you see the words on the satus bar: Raider was hit for 159 damage to the groin and was killed. He won't be procreating anytime soon(It was something like that, havent played in awhile.) Combat aside, your character is customized by selecting stats(which affect everything in the game), traits(you get two and they are double edged swords depending on which character you want to make),skills(which determine what weapons you use and how well you use them, as well as some bartering and dialouge skills), perks(special little things that net better stats, abilities etc. you gain these every couple levels) and the usual sex and body stuff. Or you can pick the game's various premade characters, based on different styles of play. The fighter, the talker, and the ninja/stealth are all here. The good news is you can make a combo of these as you go up in level.

The combat has a unique targeting system and is alot of fun. The graphics are good for its time. The sound does effectively capture the wasteland feel.

The running around and actual role-playing is great. Talking to NPCs is a dialog box with choices to say(often humours as that is one of the strong points of this game). More important characters have voices represented by talking heads. You have to watch your words, as they may cause combat. Speaking of that, this isnt a game for childern. Even though I first played it at 7(yea im 13 and didnt understand and beat this game till I was 10 lol), it has some vulgar language and sexual content. Plus some violent combat. This game has a time limit, even though I found a way around it( perhaps a glitch). It will probably take you 15-20 hours to finish. It is still alot of fun and I totally recommend it to any rpg player.