Something for the fans. For anyone else, pass it by.
The missions are pretty short. Objectives are quite easy and a little repetitive, but you play in short bursts so the monotony is over soon. When you die, you have to start back at the beginning of your task at hand, but your progress autosaves after you leave each area (which is essentially from one room to the next), so it's not that much of an inconvience to start over.
On par with the show, the game stops every so often for a non-sequitor mini-game. The mini-games are fashioned after the mini-games in Wario Ware. You only have a few seconds to realize what the objective is and then to complete it. CONTROLS:
Controls are a bit spotty but decent. There is some jumping inaccuracy, but not a huge deal. My biggest gripe is the target-lock control, which works only about 70% of the time; and even when it is working, it doesn't target like say...Metroid Prime.)
I'm not sure what's going on with the artwork, but I hope the poor quality was intentional, otherwise it's an abomination. The curve of Stewie's head is crooked. I mean, it's a cartoon, FFS, how do you mess that up?
Is it funny like Family Guy? Sort of. The humor is irrevrent, just like Family Guy, but even more base (is that possible? ha).
It's only 1 player. Whyyyyyyyy?! >_<
If you're not a Family Guy fan, don't even bother with this game. If you are a fan, think of it as a Family Guy novelty (like a Stewie bobblehead, for instance). I don't feel it's worth its current price of $30-$40. From what I've played so far, a fair price would be $20-$25. (So either wait until the price drops or buy it used.) It's a good rental choice if you're just curious about the game. You can pick it up and leave it without much hassle.