You don't get what you pay for.
I guess I'll give you the rundown if you've just purchased this game or are considering it. . . (Advice: Don't)
First off, I was somewhat entertained by this ping pong game. It works just as you would imagine, swing the wii mote hit the ball. Push A to do a power shot when your opponent returns a weak ball. 1 player consists of either playing a "career" type mode that lasts 3 games (about 15 minutes till the "congratulations you beat the game" screen) or mini games (pointless) It did actually entertain me a bit initially. There is a multiplayer option that will provide a little somewhat entertaining competition. I was pretty much done with this game after ONE day though, such boring repetitiveness and nonexistent depth.
The jury has reached a verdict - - this is garbage. Not worth 5 dollars. I wouldn't buy this if it was a penny. I wouldn't download this if it was free, it's just that insulting. Just to think those 500 wii points could have went towards the NES Zelda on virtual console or any other title better than this game. (Probably of all of them)