Surprisingly nice graphs, powerful gameplay, and this time playing as each character REALLY is different.Rock-Solid game

User Rating: 8.8 | Fantastic Four PC
I got it last night, and let me tell you, I am really surprised. I thought it was gonna be a piece of --biiip-- but, BOY was I wrong. If the movie is anything like the game, its gonna be a hit. So let's start with the review. The graphics are really good, with some amazing advanced FX and super-smooth framerate. The gameplay is amazing, I got it yesterday and Im playing it non-stop. And even more, I dont wanna spoil anything, but the game has some SUPER-GREAT secret bonus videos, and some really cool interviews. It also has an ultimate spider-man trailer (different from the one we all know). The game is really replayable and varied too. Remember when countless times we have seen the words "each playable character in the game is like a different game, they play so differently" as a publicity stunt to lure potential buyers? well, they finally got it right this time. This time, playing as the different 4 heroes IS REALLY different and each and everyone are cool in their own way. Heck, even the bad guys are amazingly varied and cool too, like the Von Doom ninja robot (you will see him leaping between buildings, like a super-atomic ninja, with cyber katana in hand of course). They really look solid. Also, the colision detection is very well done and you feel like the characters, good and bad, are rock-solid on the screen. Really nice. The sound department could have been a little better, more crisp sound. But here' s where, once more, variety puts a plus in this department. This game has tons of both fx sounds and movie actors' voice-over. So its great, but some glitches here and there with my nforce sound card, so I say they could have fix that, but they didnt. MIssion design is another plus for the Fantastic 4. It's been a while since I've seen such great and ingenious missions and stages in an action game. For instance, the actual mission objectives, which are plenty in each mission. Now, I wont spoil anything here, but in this game you actually feel you are protecting the citizens. Even more, the bosses are really great, and not only each can be finished alternatively in a "fatality" kinda way, the method you actually need to apply in order to defeat some of them is really well-thought and will keep you entertained and in awe. So, ending comments: Now that I think of it, the game's as cool and as flaming hot as the human torch, as beautiful, powerful and sleek as the invisible woman (grrrr, Jessica Alba...), as flexible and intelligent as Mr. Fantastic, and as rock-solid as The Thing (with a few technical exceptions here and there, but no biggie, plus, the "glitches" can simply be fixed by a mere "restart mission"). I highly recommend this game for anyone that likes stupendous super-hero fights (ala superman vs. doomsday), and/or wanna have a really fun and solid game filled with great bonuses. Its clobbering time!!!