Horrible.Let us start with the co-op flaws.I had my friend over here the other day,and we did the Times square on co-op.The fact that you have to move so your buddy can move is the worst flaw I have ever seen.I spent 1-3 hours playing this game,and I beat it in one day.This is one of the poorest worst and easiest games I will ever play.I have one question for everybody about this game,Why?WHY?WHY? So my friend likes to use the d-pad to move on games,on here is switches.I trated this game in.because it is the worst super hero game in history.Case closed.
Fantastic 4 game is a waste of time buying or renting it.The game the idea was to be fun because of the coperative multiplayer and the power of the super heroes but it turn to be bad game. Gameplay:is the part of the ... Read Full Review
I would strongly suggest 2 basic things to have a good "game effect" for this title: Watch the movie first; and most important, play the game. If you watched the film this will be easier to follow, admire the good gr... Read Full Review