Fantavision is, by all accounts and immediate deductions, a puzzle game. In reality - what extended playtime will provide you insight into - the game was developed for stoners. That's not to say that everyone who plays and enjoys Fantavision is loopy, but it's geared that way. Take the gameplay itself - you chain fireworks together to link explosions. That's pretty much it. It's not dull so much as it is repetitive...okay, it is dull. The graphics are decent enough, full of nifty looking fireworks explosions and colours everywhere. This is the first tip that the game isn't all it seems to be. Second, take the voiceovers. Does the announcer seem excited? No, in fact, his voice is disturbingly mellow. Does this mean SCEI was 'mellow' when creating this game? It's entirely possible. Though we may never know. Or want to know. So we have a rather simple game with lots of pretty colours flying around and an extremely calm announcer. If that doesn't speak volumes to you, I don't know what would.
Flares go up in front of night time city back drops. You're goal is to ignite the flares in specific orders and combinations to create colourful firework displays. The trick is to time your connections. When you selec... Read Full Review
I love the replay value of this game. the object of the game is to set off fireworks in s cool manner. you start out in a city and end up in Space. I got this grame for $5 bran new from EB Games. And I am happy for... Read Full Review