Outside of outstanding graphics and the explosions there's not many to play it.
Specs used:
Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 at 3.0 GHz
4 GB RAM DDR2 667 MHz
Geforce GTX 260 (191.07 Drivers)
X-fi XtremeGamer Pro
Intel generic media series board
Windows Vista x64/Windows 7 x64
Hours played: Around 20hrs.
Far Cry 2 is not supported on Windows 7 and indeed the multiplayer has a bug that doesn't allow downloading custom maps when playing. Since most of the multiplayer maps are user made is annoying trying to find the map in Google, download and install it and then play it. In summary the multiplayer is broken in Windows 7.
It's hard for me (I'm a great fan of Far Cry I); confess that in one word you can define Far Cry 2: BOREDOM, yeah it's true this game is the classic example of a game that promises but doesn't deliver it.
Before continue let's check some history:
Far Cry I was an incredible success when released, well know by its open world, nice graphics, explosions, hard difficulty (extremely), vehicles, etc. These aspects made a unique gaming experience in 2004 and launched Crytek (the developers) to share the podium of graphics together with Id Software and Epic games. The publisher of that game was Ubisoft and the company became interested in expand the franquinse to the consoles; all other Far Cry games were made by Ubisoft.
Ubisoft was so interested that licensed the engine and the characters and name but Ubisoft went so far and bought the Far Cry complete franchise, using the CryEngine 1 Ubisoft created the Dunia engine for this game.
The graphics are awesome and Ubisoft made an excellent work hereā¦ you could find in the fictitious Africa of Far Cry 2, deserts, oasis, jungles, wild animals, dark nights, beautiful days, stormy and cloudy days, etc. Also is important to note that Far Cry 2 belongs to a very small but selected club of games that truly uses DirectX 10, in summary in this department Far Cry 2 is outstanding (only surpassed by Crysis, but anyways still in November 2009 there's not game that surpasses Crysis in graphics).
Other department where Far Cry 2 works well is in the surround sound effects, uses very well the reverb effects so you can easily know if your enemies are behind, in front or at sides. Far Cry uses a software mixer so you don't expect a certified logo by Creative. However most of the software mixers detect when you have an OpenAL capable card and load properly the channels and effects into the hardware.
Other interesting aspect of Far Cry 2 is that uses Phillips amBX technology that makes "rainbows" with the sound effects. If you're interested you can check it here: http://www.ambx.com/
Another good point of Far Cry 2 is the duration in this world where you buy at full price games for $60 where the single player campaign is about 4hours Far Cry 2 differences itself by a campaign duration of around 20-30 hrs.
About the music is terrible instead of use a good soundtrack with traditional African folklore music (maybe licensing a Putumayo African list of tracks) this game has an horrible track that repeats itself ever, to the point that is better turn off the music.
Ubisoft had tried with Assassin's Creed I and Far Cry 2 to create good sandbox games however in this department only Rockstar (Grand Theft Auto developer) knows how to create master pieces, in the end Far Cry 2 doesn't deliver interesting missions.
About the single player story I'm not going to repeat here what says the Gamespot review (that is generous giving an 8.5 maybe by the fear of a bad review consequence).
The game has nice explosions and a lot of artifacts that can explode (barrels, gasoline pipes, etc.) and have enough enemies to play it.
Now about the DLC Fortune's Pack the pack itself adds an arc weapon (you guess explodes) like the Rambo arc, 2 kinds of jeeps, blood effects and a truck with mounted weapon. The pack makes the game suck less. The Steam version includes the DLC for the retail version you can buy it from Ubisoft store (indeed a Direct2Drive customized client) for $5 USD when you get the DLC you get also an extra multiplayer key code. My advice is buying the Steam version.
With the PC version release Far Cry 2 also has an extra 2-3 hours campaign maps courtesy of Intel (Intel Bonus Missions) you can download it here:
Now a bad thing about the PC version is that Ubisoft doesn't deliver it any achievements support neither through Games for Windows or Steamworks so there's not extra reason to complete all side missions (e.g. find all the recordings or all the diamonds) in a game that is long enough and sadly boring too.
The MP maps are most of them huge contrary to Call of Duty where the maps are small and too crowded here the maps are big and feel empty. Far Cry 2 uses punk buster, so for good or for bad those players that know how punk buster works already know what to expect. Still in November 2009 you can find MP players.
My final words is that Far Cry 2 seems the typical ambitious project that required a lot of effort, talent and in the end when the release date is near: The managers cut the budget and be good or bad deliver it, the result for Far Cry 2 is a bore game, with nice graphics but that's all and talking quite frankly is a shame because with 1 year more of development could be a master piece.
My feelings when I played through single player or multi player is about endless empty.
I don't recommend buy it at full price, since you're not missing nothing interesting you can wait for a Steam discount deal.
Extra note:
Interesting many players in the past complained about the consoles Far Cry games made by Ubisoft (Evolution, predator, vengeance). Maybe Ubisoft doesn't know how to make a good Far Cry game?