not really

User Rating: 7.5 | Far Cry 2 X360
Like i said dont believe the hype this game is well very good actually good graphics & all of that but a couple things running into bad guys all the time trying to avoid them is highly impossible to do to much driving takes a very long time to get where you need to get to & while you are going where you need to get to you waste some health & ammo pretty much facing death every single time you pass a guard outpost of annoying baddies really got me frustrated & game play was hard actually i even on easy i tried it once & it was more than easy for the enemy to kill me first time i got the game i was excited while the first couple hours i was not really concerned of anything till of course the guard post & the endless amount of driving or going on foot to a place you need to go so i didn't finished the game because for one i got sick & tired of it im actually nearly finished & I think i got a new game that actually had my attention for a very long time !!