Just about what you would expect from a game with 'Far Cry' in its title.
The Graphics:
Simply awesome. This is the kind of graphics that you would expect from a game with 'Far Cry' in its title. The art style and animations are done very well, and make the environment feel like you are truly in Africa.
The Sound:
Great here too. There are a lot of environmental sound used in Far Cry 2 that helps to pull one into the world. If you're in the jungle, you will hear normal jungle sounds (birds, monkeys, etc.) You enter a town and you can faintly hear people talking. You get closer and you can actually overhear their conversations. (Some of them are quite funny, too.)
The beginning of the single-player game starts off with a tutorial mission to get you familiar with the mechanics of the game. Once you are done, you can feel free to do missions for your buddies, the weapons dealers, or for the factions. Doing these missions will advance your character in money, items and status with the people you're doing the missions for.
The world is BIG, so be prepared for an adventure. You will have to drive around a bit to get where you need to go. Missions will have you go to a part of the map, which is brought up in front of you while you're walking or driving. Unfortunately there is not much interaction with the map, so you can zoom in and scroll around. Instead I guess it's more like holding a real map. hmm. Anyway, I found it will take some getting use to getting around.
Are you looking for a great FPS on the 360? If you liked the first Far Cry, you will no doubt like this one. The environments, the action, the story -- and not to mention the multiplayer and the level editor, which I haven't even touched yet -- are excellent and will provide hours and hours of fun.