Something out of the ordinary for the FPS market.

User Rating: 9 | Far Cry 2 X360
Oh FPS genre, you're so over saturated in today's market its nice to see a gem shine through the piles of crap. Farcry 2 is quite possibly one of the most ambitious FPS to hit the market this year, it takes the scale and adventure of games like Oblivion and ads guns and explosives to the mix resulting in one truly entertaining game.

The story of Farcry 2 is somewhat of a rip off of Heart of Darkness (or Apocalypse now, whichever you're more familiar with) just not as good. You play a Merc who's one objective is to track and kill a weapons dealer by the name of Kurtz... I mean, "The Jackal." You go all over Africa looking for hints, clues, and leads to get to your prey. Along the way you will do quests for various people and factions all for more info pertaining to The Jackal. Like I said... Heart of Darkness, just not as good.

What Farcry 2 does is gives you a 50 square km African playground to cause all sorts of havoc in. You'll traverse the wilderness in search of your objectives, camps, diamonds, supplies, ect. Each fight you come across can be strategically planned out or you can go in guns blazing and blow everyone to pieces. If you want to take the tactical way out you can cause an explosion near some amunition causing it all to start going off and kill all those near it. Or you could snipe and wound someone in order to get their comrade to come over and try to help not knowing he's gonna get sniped to. OR you can start a fire and just let that burn everything down. Seemingly the combinations of what you can do to achieve your objectives is endless.

Another gameplay element that is somewhat of an annoyance is the fact you have Malaria. Every once in a while you'll have to pop a pill to make the effects subside, and if you don't have any medicine left, well you could be screwed. Also, if you take enough damage you'll have a critical point in which you need to physically heal yourself (reset a bone, burn close a wound, pry a bullet out of your arm, ect) or else you will die. If you do die, a "buddy" aka ally will come to pull you out of the crossfire so you can heal and then help him/her fend off the rest of the attackers.

Technically, Farcry 2 is way up there. It's no Crysis, but it's pretty damn close, and especially for the consoles. Sometime new to consoles is the extensive, (and I mean extensive) map editor. This is nothing new to PC players but a not gimped version of the editor for consoles is big news. The first map I played ever in multiplayer was an awesome recreation of Gridlock from Gears of War.

Overall, Farcry 2 is simply a great package. It's a great looking game that is infinity fun to play. What else could you ask for?