Far Cry 2 is not good...its freakin amazing!

User Rating: 9 | Far Cry 2 PC
I had to choose between buying Crysis:Warhead and Far Cry 2. I'm glad I chose Far Cry. You don't see many games nowadays with an African surrounding. It's always shooting in the city, in snow or on a battlefield. That's what makes Far Cry 2 unique from other FPS games. And, its more than just a FPS. You drive(boats and cars), swim and many other cool stuff. At the start of the game, you actually contract the virus, malaria. And it actually affects you at random points in the game making it exciting. The weapons are also very fun to play with. From Mp5's to flamethrowers and mortars, Far Cry 2 has got a huge arsenal of weapons at your disposal. One point of improvement to be made is the mounted machine guns. They are all the same. It would be better if they varied.

Moving on to the surroundings,, I would say Far Cry 2 is one of the most realistic games yet. Just throw a molotov cocktail on grass and see what I mean. Fire spreads all around making it very realistic. The graphics are generally very good: sunlight seeps through cracks in building, realistic deaths and other things.

Overall, this is a really good game and is highly recommended. Go and buy your copy NOW!