Far Cry is back and more beautiful and on a larger scale than ever, Although not everything is perfect as it sounds
My own view of it goes as so, The graphics are fantastic although their are the very few couple of rough edged mistakes (note i've only seen one) which im sure werent ment to be their but thats not really graphics... The flame effect and how everything you'd expect to catch fire actually does just kind of blows my mind its amazing what they have done.
So overall in graphics department id score them 9/10
Next the story im not to sure on it to be frankly honest its not something that intrested me i dont think the storyline was thought out that well, But the game does constantally try to make an effort and atleast they didnt try to go back to a ridiculous alien invasion or whatever the last far crys were about....
Id only rate storyline plot 6/10
Gameplay is great im loving every second of it and you just cant really get bored of the game because theirs always something else to do... That includes creating maps wandering africa for diamonds assasinations and so many other things including all the trophies and multiplayer modes...
Right thats all the good stuff said about the game now my gripes which i really hate to do but i have to do it....
I really hate the fact that you cant go prone anymore in Far Cry it just doesnt feel right having to crouch all the time thats my opinion an ambush with a sniper rifle isnt the same if your not prone.
Next would be how the enemy in cars always detect your exact location after you have shot at his vehicle, It doesnt matter how concealed you are or whenever you took the shot at them whilst they were not facing in the same direction as you it doesnt matter they always detect your exact position and try to knock you down which is rather annoying.
Multiplayer can be abit frustrating aswell it doesnt feel as smooth as it should and you can be their for a rather long time trying to kill someone.
Thats all gripes done but all in all this game is a MUST i recommend everyone to buy it, It is a great game no matter what and remember no game can ever be perfect no matter what.