A Decent game, does have some flaws but then again what game doesn't? I found it to be a fun and immersive experience...

User Rating: 8.5 | Far Cry 2 PC
Okay, i read a lot of posts on the forums before buying this game and i was kinda going into uncharted waters as i've never played the original farcry or games like Crysis or Stalker.

I found the game to be fun and immersive, i love the massive environment and the combat can get intense. The graphics really good also.

Despite a few gripes, nothing major though, with the AI, traveling distances and rediculous respawning times at enemy checkpoints, all of which you'll either get over or find a way around. Farcry 2 makes up for them with the immersive living breathing environment, intense combat and fun gameplay experience. When playing this game, you'll definitely experience some 'Holy crap!' moments, like when your weapon jams in the middle of firefight with the enemy flanking you on both sides and a sniper keeping you pinned behind a rock!

I reckon Farcry 2 is a great game and worth the 8.5 gamespot score. I swear you'll feel like Di Caprio in Blood Diamond in certain moment in this game. T.I.A dudes...T.I.A.