Its Good but not quite great.
Like i said before i havent finished the game yet so therefore i cant vouch for whether it gets any better from where i am. But in my opinion that seems unlikely.
There are a nuber of good points about the game the weapons look realistic they behave realisticly and even jam when dirty/old. different weapons have accuracy ratings and this adds another element of realism to the intense fighting that you come across, ans trust me sometimes the fighting gets pretty intense.
The enemy Ai is actually rather good which was a surprise to me. Theyre inteligent. They try to outflank you and if your in a sniping spot you better keep moving because they will quickly find you. Most games of this scale dont really deliver great enemy ai. Mercaneries 2 is a prime example but maybe im biased because i hated that game from the moment i first played it. But even the big budget games of this scale dont deliver amazing ai, take grand theft auto 4 for example. Great game? yes. great story? yes. Great fighting system? yes. Great driving controls? yes. Great characters? Yes. All in all, a great game. But the enemy ai had the habit of shooting in places you werent and of just standing in the open on occasion. That is why i find the ai so impressive in far cry 2 because they act like real soldiers.
I don't know if i'd reccomend anyone to buy this game... It has its moments for sure when you just think 'WOW this is a good game' but almost everytime you do get those moments they happen again an then you think ' seen this before.'
If i could sum up this game in 1 word it would be... Good. Its a 'good' game. It has loads of things that make you want to play it. But it doesnt have that 'It' factor that so many games have these days.
I do like this game but to be honest id recommend waiting for Fallout 3 because that game seems to me to have that something special.