Going in circles...

User Rating: 6 | Far Cry 2 PC
While I loved the original Far Cry and it's hyped cousin Crysis, Far Cry is leaving me somewhat bewildered. I was really looking forward to playing a game in a new environment that offered something I hadn't seen before. When I started this game I was amazed at the detail the developers have put into making the game world seem so alive, but after about fifteen hours in, I find I'm frustrated at the circular nature of the game. Every mission seems to force me to backtrack to another quadrant of the map and in doing so, forces me to fight all of the same enemies (who are all google-eyed and have clown mouths for some reason) all over again. Killing the same guys a thousand times over...not so fun anymore.

I'm not sure why developers are turning toward this trend, but repetitive gaming is NOT the way to go, and calling this a sandbox game does not mean that every mission has to be the same. Look at other sandbox-style games, like the two mentioned earlier, as well as GTA:SA and STALKER. These game were open, but still had a funnel like design that kept pushing you toward the bigger picture. Sadly, I still have no idea what the bigger picture is in Far Cry 2. The fact that the AI is dumb as mud (we've receded back to the days of Doom 2, where enemies just charge at you as if they are all coked-up football players with no peripheral vision) and the touted 'buddy system' makes absolutely no sense (mine can't seem to keep themselves alive long enough for me to get there...oh and I killed one, because they were aiming in my direction when I did get there) is making me wonder what the real virtues of this game are at all. I mean pretty graphic engines are a dime a dozen these days, and designing a good one doesn't mean that you can ignore all of the other aspects of the game. Buy Crysis:Warhead instead and really enjoy yourself.

Just my 2 cents...