Screen shots are good,videos are better and the game itself not so good

User Rating: 5 | Far Cry 2 PC
Far Cry 2 doesn't worth 8.5 I'd say 5 or 6.

Farcry2's greatest mistakes is letting you to go anywhere around the map. It feels like a ripped off Mercenaries 2, which can offer more customizations anyway.

The name FarCry 2 is also very deceiving because it not only doesn't resemblance original Far Cry but also make it worse. Free roaming is fun for first few hours but every time you past a check point you have to kill guards which you've already killed before. There is no fast travel except for stupid bus system which takes you to the corners or center of the map.

Driving is not bad but AI is very stupid. The enemies don't know what to do most of the time other than shooting continuously at you. They don't run when you throw a grenade at them and pretends to duck when your sniper miss the target. When compared with Crysis, even at the medium difficulty Crysis's AIs know what to do and respond accordingly.

Overall design is good but could be better. Unlike Crysis, vegetation does not respond to anything other than your legs except for some bushes which can be cut by bullets. The gun fight is not satisfying either. It is very odd for FPS which doesn't offer good guns to shoot. And there is no bullet penetration.

The story is one of the worst I've seen this year. Those two so call war factions are like high school gangs fighting for nothing but nothing. I eagerly played 5 hours non-stop only to find out there is no main quest at all other than to kill an idiot who let go his assassin.

Conclusion if you want to play free roam FPS think STALKER, there is no driving but it will make you feels much much better than Far Cry 2. If you've played Crysis, Brothers in Arms Hell Highway, Call of duty 4 avoid this game and better save your money and grab Fallout 3 or wait for better FPS games.