Good Single player, Bad multiplayer

User Rating: 7.5 | Far Cry 2 X360
The developers had a great idea with this game and well their ideas lived out and turned out great for the single player, it may get a little repetitive at times but overall the single player is a great experience. The weather effects and overall looks of the game are beautiful some of the best this year.

Now the multiplayer is a BIG letdown. The way that the single player is designed doesn't support a good multiplayer experience at all, and considering the fact that the multiplayer feels exactly the same as single player is bad. Not only that but the respawn time is 20 seconds! I think they were trying to go for something great but they didn't polish it out enough, maybe spending to much time on the map editor than the game play, it seems like they weren't sure which direction to take it or something. It just feels unfinished.

I can say the map editor is probably the best part of the game but with sub-par game play that doesn't matter.

Overall if you want this game for the map editor and multiplayer rent it first to see if you like the style of multiplayer, If you want it for single player you won't be disappointed