The story may not be amazing, but the word immersive comes a few times.
There are a total of 28 weapons in the game and you can upgrade all of them. You can carry 3 at a time a Primary, Secondary and a Special, you also have a machete on you at all times as well. The controls are excellent being the same as Call of Duty 4 except that there are no special grenades.
Online is 16 players with the basic game types. Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Diamond(Flag), and Uprising(which is a mix of Halo 3's Land Grab and VIP). Uprising is probably the most unique(actually the only unique game type) out of all of them, The object of the game is to kill the other teams captain. To do this you have to take 3 spots on the map, which the other team can take back, then you are able to kill the other teams captain and win the game (The captain can die as many times before all 3 are captured) also the only people that can capture the key points are the captains themselves, the only real downside to the game mode is that the captain NEVER changes who ever is captain at the start is always the captain. I don't know if this is a downside but, if neither captain is killed for good before the game ends, no matter how many key spots one team holds its always a draw.
Now on the reason why you will probably by this game. The Map editor you can make a map out of everything its almost like photo shop how in depth it is. You can control everything to how cloudy it is, to how many trees or what time of day it is. There is no multiplayer simultaneous editing though like Halo but its understandable to how much stuff you can interact with in the game. You can also download other users maps that people upload also.
There are some major downsides to the game in general
-The A.I. Its stupid. Really stupid. The only time they are dangerous is when there in insane numbers.
-Multiplayer is a complete knock off of COD4. With less customization.
-The story is Average
Overall its a great game but don't expect an amazing Story or multiplayer.