Why is it called Far Cry 2?? It has no sci fi whatsoever. The developers are getting so wrapped up on their engines that

User Rating: 8 | Far Cry 2 PC
Why is it called Far Cry 2?? It has no sci fi whatsoever. The story is not even related to the previous game. The developers are getting so wrapped up on their engines that they think of titles as brands... They are two different words. The game story is... oh well, not very interesting. It plays GTA style that is not a good thing, but thank god it did have all the up to do date pc elements and it does not feel like a console game. It tried to have multiple endings but instead it just had two different ways to die with the same video clip on the end.
This review is dummbed down and biased. GameSpot does not allow me to express myself freely. If I say something they dont like or it goes against their sponsors I get punished. So you will not read all the truth about my opinion here.