A game most will like while others ignore.

User Rating: 9.5 | Far Cry 2 X360
I'll try to make it short and sweet hopefully I make it to the sweet part.

Graphics are just awesome. Best I have seen on the 360 and probably for a while.

Sound is kinda bland. Don't get me wrong the sounds are great just after playing games such as Dead Space, Battlefield Bad Company, and COD4 the sound just isn't as fleshed out as those games. By no means am I saying the sound is bad trust me.

The gameplay is sweet gunfights and handling (controls for everything) are great though the traveling can be a bit cumbersome. Most people don't like traveling everywhere, but I rather like it. Lets ya take in everything.

AI is incredible in some parts and very dumb in others (kinda 50/50 never know what you're gettin on every encounter)

I like the story, but the voice acting could use a little help. The voices themselves are cool they just talk way too damn fast. Almost seems like they're speakin another language and throwing in some english sometimes.

Multiplayer is alright. Not the best, but not horrible. To me it kinda feels like Soldier of Fortune Payback's multiplayer, don't know why it just does.

Map editor is absolutely amazing. Take the xbox map editor and add a lot more stuff and there ya go. The sharing of maps has been made a lot better too being able to see ratings and know how many hits it has had.

One other thing I would like to mention is the atmosphere the game has a mixed Crysis/S.T.A.L.K.E.R. feel to it. Very powerful yet still weak kind of feeling.

If ya ask me buy it used and if ya don't like it just return it so ya don't even have to spend the $5 renting it. I do this all the time, and yes I am that cheap.lol