Much more work than expected. I almost don't want to accept missions for fear that they will be across the map.

User Rating: 8.5 | Far Cry 2 PS3
The graphics are great, the vehicles are fine and handle well, the weapons are great and the upgrades are satisfactory. The action is more realistic than most games. I like the buddy concept which saves you from having to redo an area or travel the map again if you did not have a safe house near to save your game during your whole trek.

The game is well rounded except for the missions being so damn far from where you are each time. It became annoying that every time I was driving the jeep to my destination, I would have to drive cautiously to see if anyone was up ahead or on the road. If so, I would have to mount my jeeps weapon or get out and hide so I could come up on the perps and kill them before they got me. This got annoying to me. One time I swam the whole route just to get where I could reach a safe house and save my progress, then swam to my mission area. This way I wasn't bothered by getting shot at constantly !!!

The trips between missions are too long.