Great Graphics, OK story, a little repetitive. A few tweaks & this would really have blown people away!
Pros: Awesome African environment with great sound and fun weapons. Weapons are easy enough to purchase so you get to try out all available options. Traveling is fun. Great replay value and play time.
Cons: Quicksave is bad (it uses a separate save every time you push F5) Flat Characters make story difficult to follow. Repetitive.
Suggested Tweaks:
The story should flow. Don't make us return to a previous location multiple times - the map is too large to keep bouncing backwards and forwards.
Boring enemies. Change the types of enemies we fight - don't just increase the numbers.
More animals in herds running on the open savannah. Elephants, lions, crocs, hippos (there's enough space, use it)
I'd love to ride alongside a fast moving train filled with diamonds and fight the militia while the train is speeding towards a bridge that I blew up!
I can't help but feel game developers are not creative enough. The technical ability and skills are clearly there but the missions lack variety and flavour.
Far cry is a great game - I'm just sad it wasn't even better.