After a while you feel like an errand boy.
Also, I also found out that the "town" is really big and it take too much time to get from one side to another. A good thing is that they give you some cars to drive, but once that car is damaged, whether you crash it or it gets shot at, you are basically screwed having to make the rest of your journey walking, which really does take a looong time. Sure you might come across another car to steal, but then again, you might not.
The scenery is indeed beautiful but once you are into the game, scenery is not as important and carrying out missions. This game intentionally places missions on opposite sides of the town adding some artificial length to the game. Missions only take about 2-3 mins to complete, but of course driving to those missions take all the time.
Many reviews stated that the long drives and trips to missions get really boring. I disagreed with them at first. But let me tell you, a few days into the game and I was getting sick of it. It gives you a dull and boring feeling. I tend to want to finish a game to feel fulfilled and proud of myself. But when it came to this, I wanted to finish it just to get it over with. FInally, I yanked the game out of the machine and returned it.
Developers should have known that gamers want to play and not drive or walk around admiring scenery.