A fantastic setting that makes this game unique from other open-ended types of games on the market.

User Rating: 8.5 | Far Cry 2 PC
Many have criticized this game for being "broken", lack of story, not really "open-ended", etc. I feel that although the have a point, it is not much different than other games on the market that get praised.

The backtracking in the game can be frustrating at first. This game does have a "teleport" system like Oblivion and Fallout 3, but the difference is there are only 5 places that you can do this as a player. This means that you have to travel in between the majority of the area with a vehicle or on foot. This is frustrating at first because the player may be so used to playing Oblivion or Fallout 3.

The other frustrating part of the game would have to be the random "bad guys" on the map and all of the guard posts that constanly spawn multiple enemies. This causes the player to stop often and get out of the vehicle to fight the same guys over and over again.

The last major frsutrating part is the lack of the auto-autosave. I am so used to Oblivion and Fallout 3 always saving the game for the player through every doorway and whatnot. Too many times I have not saved the game because I assumed it already did it for me. I have had to repeat a few long segments of the game in order to make up for my lack of saving.

Everything else about the game is fantastic. The use of fire to control and confuse enemies is very interesting and unique I feel. The graphics are wonderful and look great on my rig. I have a Geforce 8800GT, 2GB RAM, AMD Dual 5600+ (2.8GHZ), and Vista Ultimate.

Some of the missions can get repetitive but overall there is a great amount variety and the missions are very fun. The types of weapons are simple but realistic. I felt that the storyline although not the greatest is a realistic setting for war-torn Africa and the interaction with the "buddies" adds some chaos to the fighting if you have to run over and save them. Much like Gears of War did. The fact that if your health runs too low and you have to take cover, remove a bullet from your arm or foot, is an interesting take on combat. It can make things very suspensful and fun (frustrating too, lol).

I am impressed that this game has such a long story line for a shooter. Roughly 25-30 hours to finish the campaign, but there are many other missions available as side-quests. In a gaming world where shootes last like 4-12 hours on average and expect multiplayer to make the game worth it, it's nice to see a shooter concentrate on single player and do it well enough that it is worth the initial payment of the game. Multiplayer is also fun but the clear focus of this game was the single player experience (which is refreshing).