Do professional reviewers not think games should not be boring?

User Rating: 5.5 | Far Cry 2 PC
This game's good reviews are a mystery to me. It is the most unbelievably repetitive game I have played in my life. It's like a mix between Crysis and Oblivion except it only has their bad qualities and sometimes does wrong the things they did right in the simplest ways. This game actually makes me miss Oblivion's immersion-shattering fast travel system.

But like with Oblivion these travel problems could have been solved if the environments had simply been used more intelligently. Why do we have to go to the same places or through the same places all the time? Why can't we just go to new places? Make the mission objectives nearer. Design them before you design the map. That is obviously something Far Cry 2's dumb-as-a-rock developers did not do because not a single part of the environment has anything to do with the story.

I found myself missing both Oblivion and Crysis whilst playing this. I missed Crysis' far superior graphics, its weapon customization, its density, the far more satisfying and realistic shooting (you could hit a nickel a thousand yards away with Far Cry 2's sniper rifles) and the character's smooth and faster movement (or maybe it wasn't, maybe it just wasn't slumping along as it is in FC2). And apart from the fast travel I found myself missing Oblivion's real character customization (as opposed to Far Cry 2's meaningless character... choosing), diverse environments, story, dialogue and acting (yeah).

Did someone say the graphics are pretty? Because I don't think they are. They're ok looking but they're just so bleak. Maybe that is a matter of personal taste as well. I just get really depressed looking at this constantly brown game.

I may be wrong here but was I not promised destructibility? I was eagerly rigging a bridge with IEDs to ambush something (the story is so bad I didn't care enough to remember) and when I pushed the button, waiting with a glorious view from a nearby elevated train bridge, this wooden bridge was still there.

The writers probably would've had to intentionally try to make the story worse to make it any worse than what it was before they made it worse by using the most tired and nonsensical cliche in all of video gaming: the silent protagonist. For some reason people think this adds to the immersion. For some reason people think that a person never uttering a word his entire life with no one asking him "Are you like a mute or something?" or ever waiting for a response does not shatter the game's believability.

Well. This is one game I'm glad I pirated.