Great graphics and sound ,big world unimmercive story, gets a bit repetitive... SERIOUS BUGS. STAY AWAY FOR NOW.
The game looks great. Actually looks better than great. It looks the best i ve ever seen. It looks better than Crysis, Call of Duty and the like.
Sound: Immersive and original sounds
Gameplay: The game is repetitive. The map is big but somwhow the story is not capturing you. The weapons luck punch somehow. You need to use far too many bullets to kill an enemy even if you shoot him in the head with a G3A3 from 5 meters distance. This makes you use far too many bullets which are not that easy to have around all the time.
I tried this game in a Core 2 Duo E8500, 2 GB ram ,9800GT 1gb, WinXP SP3 with the latest updates,latest drivers and thegame was updated with the latest patch. It actually can't start unless it is patched since hiting start game initiates the autopatching system without warning. Which can be bad if you have no internet. Hell i bought this game in DVD version so that i can play it even in a computer without internet but it seems this game needs to confirm you are the legal owner everytime, meh.. The game runs perfectly with everything set to high. BUT ITS FULL OF BUGS.
MAP BUG: The map bug starts right from the start and just during the tutorial. Initially you can see your position not only in the PDA but also in the large map . Now when you go to Lumber place to do your second mission the game suggest you to open the map press key 5 ands then right click to pinpoint certain things of interest and it supposingly add them in your map. What happens is that just after that when you reopen your map IT STOPS SHOWING YOUR RELATIVE POSITION IN THE BIG MAP. It's only visible in the small PDA screen. That makes the game very hard to play. You will keep losing your way trying to interpratate the small PDA direction relativly to the big map. Big story short. You will have no idea where you are and where you have to be heading.
SAVE BUG: I haveheard from many people that the saves may get corrupted. Well i have not experienced that. I wish i had because it would be a blessing. My problem is that THE GAME CAN'T BE SAVED. Yes you have read right. When you are in the saving huts you go to that box and chose it and the saving screen appears you hit save but when you go to load screen to load from a previous position you will find no saves in there!!! Amazing bug i mean what are these beta testers doing? And i mean i have the game patched as well. I have no viruses spyware etc i use NOD32 and Spyware doctor and every other game works perfectly except this one.
Now if the game didn;t have all these bugs that make it unplayable it would probably score an 8.5. It's a bit repetitive but looks to be fun and the graphics are superb the sound is great etc