if you like mercenaries 2 or mercenaries 1 then you love this! its just like mercenaries in many ways only its an fps(first person shooter) its hard to explain but ill break it down for you: its a mixture of grand thft auto,mercenaries 2,and call of duty. it has a golden gun in it!!! a golden ak-47!!!!! you can buy some with diamonds,you hunt for diamonds,and this game is problably the most realistic game i have ever played,guns get jammed after a while, they rust,break,you look for medical boxes,the only none realistic part about this game is the way he performs surgery on himself you can see how he does this is on youtube,type in far cry 2 surgery,but the only disappointing part of this game is the online,its terribly disappointing,very bad,you get killed way to easy,but when you try to kill someone your out of ammo,but the story mode is great!! especially the buddy system!
No one really knows what happened to Jack Carver, the macho oozing Hawaiian shirt wearing tit of a protagonist that graced our screens in the original Far Cry. A man who after having 400 mercenary's shoot at him and him ... Read Full Review
My meaning of the game is simple. Its a great game. From the moment i started i was really in the world of Far Cry 2. The creaters made a great feeling not only that, they made the camera with a really nice filte... Read Full Review