Lots to do but a bit repetitive, multiplayer can grow on you if you play it enough
The game has an amazing landscape which looks natural and can be used to your advantage in many ways. the games story mode is huge, so it's vital to get a car because walking from on side to the other would seriously take a good 30 minutes.
The automatic environment system is also great, when the time of day and weather changes you really feel like the developers have put alot of effort into making the game feel real.
Story mode is realy a bunch of chores to do and missions are all pretty similar but you'll probably like doing them, since you'll want to unlock some sweet weapons and you'll most likely be killing people on the way to victory.
Trust me, guns on this game are class, and well balanced. Aiming may feel a bit dodgy to begin with but it grows on you and you'll get used to it. All of the guns feel great to shoot and you'll be wanting to use all of them just to feel what it's like.
Multiplayer is alright, but going into it straight away you might feel helpless as you don't have a clue what's going on, but you do get the hang and it's quite fun, as leveling up can unlock you weapons that you decide.
all in all it's not a bad buy at all and i do recommend if you can be arsed driving around