A very unique game that goes beyond sandbox shooters.
Story: The story of Far Cry 2, (or, at least what little story there is) is that you are one of several playable PMCs that travels to a fictional African country that has been torn apart by civil war. Your main mission is to kill "The Jackel" a dangerous arms dealer that has armed both sides of the conflict. By pure bad luck, you get a nasty case of malaria right off the bat. When you are indisposed, you see the Jackel himself going through your stuff. He doesn't kill you, instead he sets off a firefight in Pala. You fail to escape and are picked up by a UFLL litieunet.. From there, everything changes. I could not tell you what happens next due the randomization of the sitiuation. Player Choice is big in this game. Throughout the course of the game, you do differnet jobs for the APR and the UFLL. You do meet different Buddies that help you.
Pros: Many weapons that can be used to stir up major trouble, Beutiful environments, over 50 hours of gameplay
Cons: Game gets repetitive at times, Difficulty level possibly not everyone, Occasional glitch, Confusing story