it had potential, but...

User Rating: 5.5 | Far Cry 2 X360
i picked up far cry 2 having heard some good things about it, such as it had a huge world to explore and it would take a really long time to beat. unfortunately, these turned out being two of the biggest drawbacks.

you are thrown into the game right from the start, with no background information or anything. storyline is almost non-existant even as you progress through the game. but that's not a fart in the wind compared to the real problems with the game.

the huge world is good and bad at the same time... good in that it is sometimes interesting to see all the different areas and drive around, and there are some stunningly beautiful moments and areas particularly at sundown. but it is also bad because many times you will accept a mission and your objective will be clear on the other side of the map, forcing you to either drive the long way or find a bus stop. driving wouldn't be so bad if you weren't assaulted time after time after frikkin time.. over and over again you will be attacked and most times you will have to stop, kill your attackers, then get out and repair your vehicle or take theirs. this can prove to be excruciatingly annoying as you play the game more and more.

difficulty: i ended up switching the difficulty to easy early on in the game because it just isn't worth it to me to spend an hour or so driving between objectives and collecting diamonds or whatever just to get killed by an assault truck that comes out of nowhere and lose all my progress because i forgot to save. even on easy the game can be rather difficult.

i was hoping for a long, enjoyable action adventure game but instead i am stuck with a banal, repetetive run of the mill first person shooter. i have not even unlocked the second half of the map and i have spent a solid 20 hours playing. by this point i have little interest in continuing.

long story short: buy it if you want to waste a hell of a lot of time. not if you want a good game.