This game is good, but only for the first few hours

User Rating: 6.5 | Far Cry 2 PS3

This game right off the bat looked and felt grate... and that's where it ended, after the flash entrance you i felt it went bland.

I could see what they were aiming for but they missed by a long shot, considering you can attack missions anyway you'd like, most of the time one option is always the best and 9 times out of 10 you end up fighting head on anyway.

Controls were good, driving got really boring quick as did the boat rides on foot controls were abit stiff. Environments are really well done, you really do feel you are driving through a 3rd world country. But you hardly have the time to take it all in because you are constantly watching for patrols, if there wasn't so many, and having to avoid guard posts gets really boring fast.

Mulitiplayer isn't much better, too many poor connections out there, driving looks stiff to other players i really enjoyed the game for the first few hours but after that it loses it's shine

I wouldn't recommend to anyone expecting an enaging game because this just becomes run of the mill far too quick.