This game is worth buying just for online play and the map editor,not to mention the 30 hour campaign...
Now Far Cry 2 is out.It's a different game,a different fish bait.It doesn't feel like the original but it does seem to be a little special in it's own way.It features a huge map to explore,dozens of enemies and great graphics,but it doesn't even come close to it's predecessor.
Far Cry 2 takes place in a fictional African state.You get there and receive some information about a certain someone who needs to be killed in order for something to happen.Pretty ordinary stuff for a FPS.The story isn't engaging,it doesn't suck you in or make you wonder what happens next.This is just a standard free world FPS with pretty graphics.The game gives however huge liberty to the player.The map is very big,there are towns around the map connected by roads.You can travel from one place to another by many sorts of transportation.You got walking,driving a car,traveling with a bus,water travel on boats and some crazy aeroplane,which I don't even know how it's called,which basically flies.The map is very big and sometimes it can get really difficult and frustrating to get to one point to another,especially with no fast-travel option,you'll have to stick with these means of transportation.This is one of the bad things in Far Cry 2.The map and the way you use it.This game has most of the things the original had,but they are not as good,and with nothing new this game doesn't succeed.
The worst part however are the enemies.With this brownish look the game has because of the African landscape makes enemies usually very hard to see,thus making aiming and shooting difficult.Besides that,there are on some junctions some small camps full of enemies,who attack you as soon as they see you.You have no idea why they are attacking you and what you can do to stop them from attacking you.But even worst than this is that even if you kill all the enemies from one of these mini camps,they will respawn and you'll have to kill them again the next time you go by that junction.This get's frustrating and can be a downside for the game,many left Far Cry 2 aside because of this matter.
The good things in Far Cry 2 aren't that many.The graphics are good,but not much compared to other games,games like Resistance 2,Gears of War 2,not to mention the perfect looking Crysis.The original game had the best graphics of it's time.We all hoped this game to have them again,but it doesn't.
The game-play is solid throughout but without many innovations,the game fails as well.Weapons sometimes get jammed and you have to unjam them,but that's about it.The driving is terrible.Fortunately the game has almost no frame-rate drops at all.It looks good and keeps a steady frame-rate.
The online play is pretty good.Besides the good old modes,there is a map editor which gives this game a chance to live for many years.You can create your own maps,starting from scratch,upload them and play on them.The map editor is a pretty robust tool and works really well.The choices are endless.
As a Far Cry fan,I have to say I am unhappy with this game.But for those who haven't played the original before,they won't care,so it's a good game.This game is worth buying just for online play and the map editor,but with a single player campaign spawning around 30 hours,this game is a good deal.
My Score 8.2