Something entireley different and its absolutely great.
Good points:
The graphics look great. The african setting is made so belivable that if you play it in a dark room with your headphones this game delivers what not so many can do, you feel like you are really there.
Lots of toys to play with and they are crafted beutifully.
You can go wherever you want, whenever you want, how you want.
Within the game limits you have lots of freedom to play the game just how you want.
This game will take you a lot of time to complete, if you want to try all the guns and get the conflict diamonds.
There is none if don't want it, and for me the game setting comes to life when there is no crosshair or ammo counter allways on the screen. You can only see the hud if you need to and that is like all the FPS games should be, because personally i am a HUDHATER, if there is such a word.
-Sound of animals and nature
I have turned down music because birds singing, sound of crickets in the night and the breezing wind is all the soundtrack I need in this game, it's absolutelly great.
-Conflict diamonds
Exploring the map to find these diamonds is the thing that makes long distances on the map enjoyable, plus there are some really tricky ones to get and finding them is great.
Bad points:
Everyone out of the ceasefire zone will shoot you. In the entire country there is not one person to talk to out of the safe zone, ecxept few buddies. AI is also a bit stupid when it comes to taking cover or responding to players actions.
-Sound of guns
Guns feel and look like you are holding them, but don't sound like it. I've been in the army and I can compare to the real thing. Plus sometimes you can hear two or three shots coming from you gun but only one bullet is wasted. Reloading a gun sounds like it should, but if you have a bullet in the chamber then there is no need to cock the gun again, but the player does it always after changing a mag.
-Missions are repetitive
Many missions and even the mission orders are always the same, only difference is the location on the map.
Damn the controls! If this game handeled as well as Call Of Duty Black Ops on PS3, I would give this game 9.5 without hesitating, dispite the bad AI and what what. But yeah, because of the controls your so-far well done stealth mission can go all wrong just because of the controls. I have played the game for 50 hours and still have trouble aiming at a moving target
This game is absolutely wonderful and a treat for the eyes, pure entertainment. Even with its flaws, this game is amazing and makes you not want to turn off your PS3, but you'll get to a safe house and save the game and turn it off, because its probably 4 am already :)
Get this game, its different from anything you have ever played and will not dissapoint if you have a bit of patience and free time.